I came across a tweet by an American writer, Richard D. Walker (who had instantly became a good virtual friend). He tweeted: "Successful people solve more problems than they create. Unsuccessful people create more problems than they solve. Which one are you?"
It makes me curious. How does one define success? How does one measure success?
My interpretation of success is very up front. Being successful does not measure by a 'stereotype' high standards of high economical status but being emotionally and physically contented.
When one person is contented followed by great maturity through great leadership and wisdom, you are successful. Even if a children who can create a science project with good result without fully depend on their teachers or parents, they are most likely a successful person because they foresee vision of success. They are in control of their success because of their will and determination. In fact, what makes a person successful is about taking responsibility and accountability to produce great result.
For example, if a fishermen who can support and manages a family, have a loving wife and capable of bringing up his children with proper education, would he already become a successful person? Yes.
If we are single, able to support our parents or family financially, have a stable career, perform charity or 'zakat' (alms), free from mountains of financial debts, have less drama in our lives, moreover surrounded by people who constantly shower us affections and encouragements, would we achieve success? Indeed, we are successful.
Furthermore, I second to what Richard had mention about 'unsuccessful people create more problems than they solve'. If one fail to comprehend being successful with the right attitude, great wisdom and a good persona, would they become unsuccessful?
What happens if you have a big house, a great career yet discontented with no one at home, a wife nor children who aren't attentive to shower you affection, to listen to you when you feel down, thus leaving you in solitude and insecurity, do we define ourselves successful?
If one person, for example, have an obnoxious attitude, threatening and demoralizing others by making their lives difficult, would that create more tension, stress and add more problems than becoming a person who can tolerate to provide a solution, would he or she define themselves as a successful person?
So which one are we?
Richard D. Walker is the author of 'It's My Life! I Can Change If I Want To' and the book is available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Its-Life-Can-Change-Want/dp/0578074214/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t and follow his twitter at http://twitter.com/WalkerRichard
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