This is my enhanced illustration which I suppose to do for Petrosains revamp website (This illustration was claimed by my art director, Mr. Simplicity as one of the not-so good illustration, but from public point of view, they like this cute boy. You’re so wide of the mark!)
I've been seeing a lot of people boasting what they have in their lives, unfortunately, it's getting nowhere if we kept on showing our ego because we are afraid of competition and felt defensive. I felt, even though I use to travel, stay for years in other people's country and exposed to new cultures, there is two places I never get a chance to visit, which is my heart and my think-tank. Extraordinary that I know, heart would be the best place to visit, because it allows us to be human, and to appreciate God's doing.
How a person practice bad ethics in life?
Relating to my previous post on my 'downfall of a friendship', I just realized that after my close friend cut-off my relationship with them, I try to look back at the past of how I spend time with them. Most of them would never accept new talents and will definitely disclaim someone as graffiti because to them, they felt they are the greatest, boasting with great ideas. The capability of what they have now, as suit to their portfolio, they will always try to make sure neither any artist and designers should have titled themselves as Graffiti artist, because we need to have a diploma or degree in arts in order to do that. I remember back when I was with them in Museum of Art, Singapore, they 'dis' off or had their negative remark on a collective called 'Wondermilk' and disclaim that 'Wondermilk' work is never to be claimed as Street Art. Well, in my heart, I would say 'Wow, since you are the greatest graffiti artist in Malaysia, you can tell who is or who is not a graffiti artist? That’s impressive!’ Act time we had conversation in our regular Saturday gathering (Well, not anymore), they would be 'bitching' about other graffiti artist and other designers (take for example, Stephen Lau) because they can't accept the fact that some people out there are better then they are. They might be an opportunist, or perhaps copycat some famous artist work such as Phunk Studio or whatsoever but what about you yourself? Who do you define originality at first place? Come on, those people also need to find their own bread and butter. They actually hate a lot of people and always carry such a bad aura in them. Let say that actually they are afraid of competition and trying hard to be as the number one up there without having the heart to encourage more youngsters and emerging talents to be better by trading their experience because they are not willing to share and educate others in first place. If you said I’m not willing to share my experience and my ideas, I disagree. There are few tutorials I did online, there’s talk we (Perez & Yadd of DMP Collective) presented in art collages (POLYTEC-MARA, The One Academy, etc), my .psd files are ready to be download for reference. You name it. I’m not giving my self-confident about my capability to show I’m better of then them, but the fact I want public to know, Out There, in this Malaysia Art & Design scene / community, there are people who can’t accept other talents, disrespect and WILL STOP other creative talents and people around them from doing what they believe it is art and what can be made as a part of their life.
My point is, in life, you cannot change people, but you can help other people to change. You can't expect people to change according to your like and your superficial demands. You can't expect a person who is fat to be as thin to your view, because it takes to be in that person's shoe before you can assume and make judgment on people. In your heart, you must understand their determination to try at their very best so you can push and motivate them to become better, not to drift them away, not have them around and let that person be your personal scapegoat and temper tantrum.
Tips menghalang kecurian seperti yang diberi oleh Polis DiRaja Malaysia.
I check on my email today and I found a very interesting email which my friend forward it to me. Well, unfortunately it's in Bahasa Melayu.
- Jangan biarkan anak-anak tidur di ruang tamu seorang diri (Mereka mungkin menggunakan anak sebagai tebusan).
- Kunci atau sorokkan semua pisau-pisau yang terdapat di dapur sebelum tidur (Kesemua kes kecurian di dapati pisau hilang dan menurut polis mereka akan mencari pisau dahulu sebelum mencuri bertujuan untuk melindungi diri mereka).
- Sekiranya terdengar/terlihat paip air di luar rumah terbuka pada tengah malam (pukul 12 ke atas), jangan keluar rumah untuk menutup paip tersebut kerana ini adalah taktik terbaru mereka di mana mereka telah menunggu diluar pintu rumah untuk masuk (Kes terbaru berlaku di Dungun dan PJ).
- Beritahu anak-anak sekiranya hendak ke tandas (jika tandas jauh) di waktu tengah malam, kejutkan ibubapa untuk bersama mereka.
- Jangan simpan barang-barang kemas di dalam almari baju (Cara lama...).
- Bawa alarm kereta bersama semasa tidur, in case terjaga tengah malam, cuba on and offkan balik untuk menakutkan pencuri (Menandakan kita sentiasa alert).
- Tekan button merah alarm kereta anda jika anda suspect pencuri sudah masuk ke dalam rumah.
- Sekiranya terlihat orang-orang yang agak aneh dan asing di kawasan rumah anda, sila dapatkan plet no motor/kereta mereka (Selalunya naik motor dan mereka ni biasanya berdua, setiap kali kita lalu depan mereka, mereka akan menundukkan kepala).
- Pesan kepada jiran, sekiranya ada sesiapa yang datang ke rumah kita dan mengaku saudara kita bertujuan untuk mengambil barang-barang, jangan benarkan, beri nombor telefor pejabat anda kepada jiran supaya mereka boleh double check dengan kita.
- Semasa tidur, pastikan handphone anda berada di sisi atau pastikan juga Cordless Phone anda berada di sisi anda ataupun sambungkan satu extension dalam kamar tidur anda. Ini memudahkan anda membuat panggilan kecemasan sekiranya anda terasa kehadiran pencuri di dalam rumah anda.
- Adakan senarai nombor telefon kecemasan seperti polis, bomba , 991 atau sebagainya. Pastikan nombor-nombor ini disimpan dalam handphone anda.
- Kalau boleh, hafalkan nombor tersebut. Ini memudahkan anda membuat panggilan telefon.
- Kalau berkemampuan, pasangkan alat pengesan kecurian di rumah atau automatik alarm.
- Lampu porch & lampu belakang rumah sepatutnya terpasang secara automatik bila malam, baik semasa kita ada di rumah atau pergi vacation.
- Kalau cuti lama, pesan jiran kutip surat-surat dlm mail box. Mail box yg penuh membantu pencuri menghidu ketiadaan tuan rumah.
- Kalau kawasan anda kerap berlaku kecurian, buat permohonan rasmi dari Balai Polis berdekatan supaya ada anggota polis buat rondaan yang kerap di kawasan anda.
- Kereta Proton adalah paling mudah dicuri. Kalau kereta anda brand new, sekurang-kurangnya anda perlu lock gear & stering sebelum tidur (Sebenarnya masih boleh dicuri, tetapi akan berjaya melambatkan pencuri).
- Kalau ada anak-anak perempuan, sebaik-baiknya pintu biliknya dikunci dari dalam (Sebab ada pencuri yg mengambil kesempatan seksual) dan anda perlu ada kunci pendua in case berlaku = kebakaran.
- Sekurang-kurangnya simpan kayu hoki atau baseball di bawah katil anda buat mempertahankan diri dari pencuri yang ganas.
- Jangan letak kunci bawah pasu bunga/mail box/alang pintu/tepi tingkap bila keluar (Pencuri dah lama tau taktik ni...). Lebih selamat beri pada jiran yang kita kenal rapat.
- Kalau sewa rumah baru, pastikan anda tukar padlock baru, mana tau bekas-bekas penyewa lama simpan kunci pendua.
- Kurangkan pendedahan dan pergaulan anda dengan pakerja asing.
1 opinions :
agree with your points Muid.
"... You can't expect a person who is fat to be as thin to your view, because it takes to be in that person's shoe before you can assume and make judgment on people. In your heart, you must understand their determination to try at their very best ..."
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